Thanks to all participants, planners, & volunteers for making THATCamp Piedmont 2016 such an energizing day of play and co-learning!

Registration & welcome desk.

THATCamp Piedmont 2016 t-shirts!

THATCamp Piedmont 2016 signage.

Voting on session proposals.

Welcome & scheduling session.

Mary Foskett (Humanities Institute Director) & Chelcie Rowell (ZSR Library’s Digital Initiatives Librarian) welcome everyone to THATCamp Piedmont 2016.

Day-of scheduling begins!

Chelcie solicits impromptu session proposals.

Voting on impromptu session proposals.

Voting on impromptu session proposals.

The day’s schedule takes shape!

Chelcie applies the finishing touches to the day’s schedule.

Chelcie leads a session on lightweight tools for digitally inflected assignments.

THATCampers learn about lightweight tools for digitally inflected assignments.

THATCampers discuss teaching with “medium-sized data.”
Photos by Susan Sharpless Smith, also available in the THATCamp Piedmont 2016 album on Z. Smith Reynolds Library’s Flickr account.
About Chelcie Rowell
a rare bit (n.) — one in a sequence of 1s and 0s that meets selection criteria for preservation in order to be remixed & re-used until the end of its lifecycle