Publishing THATCamp Piedmont 2016 Proceedings

Talk proposal: I would like to, well, talk (see what I did there?) about publishing the results of this very THATCamp. Then again, I always want to talk about  publishing, so there’s that. Still, methinks we should thinking about properly rendering the manifestations of our THATCamp discussions into some sort of consumable/distributable yet permanent monograph (and maybe not as just a minigraph (kids today, with their hippety-hop music and FaceSpace pages)). So, yes, I’d like to discuss the very distinct possibility of creating a literally handy piece of ad hoc technology — the kind which really needs no batteries, or power cords, or software updates — in a format with a very intuitive user interface, and very few bugs (apart from the real kind perhaps), and which will last a very, very, very long time (especially once librarians get their hands on it). I’m talking about books, people. Are you picking up what I’m puttin’ down?

Categories: Publishing, Session Proposals, Session: Talk |

About William Kane

Raised by wolves...