Publishing Makerspace

Publishing Makerspace is a publishing environment that is reconfigured as a place where all the components of a scholarly project — books and e-books, virtual and physical exhibits, visualizations, live performance and film — can be integrated using a collaborative process. This place enables the creation of a multimodal publishing environment that fully integrates digital content with manuscripts and ‘traditional’ scholarly content.   The goal is to create a multimodal publishing environment that fully integrates digital content with manuscripts and ‘traditional’ scholarly content.

It is important to note that Publishing Makerspace is not solely a digital project or approach. We are interested in crossing the analog-digital divide to recognize the ongoing interaction and interplay between the analog and the digital. The result, we hope, will be a more efficient, interoperable process of knowledge creation and production and an enhanced, more meaningful experience for multiple audiences.

Members of the Publishing Makerspace team will share a bare bones outline of the process and lead a discussion about the value of this model and its potential for expanding traditional publishing models to integrate DH work.  

Categories: Collaboration, Publishing, Session Proposals, Session: Talk |